“The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.” ― James Thurber


“The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.”
James Thurber

The dog in the above photo is making it difficult to focus on this post… here’s my toy! Here’s my toy! Here’s my toy! Anyways, I’m quite happy for her to be doing so. Her life has changed tenfold. Really for her to change so fast and adapt so quickly has been a miracle. Subsequently, the above dog came from an abusive home.

“There is something stronger then a choke collar and an alpha wolf and its called a team” – Sylvia Trkman

In today’s society, we expect the world from our companions. We are told to be “the alpha” and have total domination over them. But what are we to expect when the world is bombarded with such harsh rules? We are told time and time again that this is the only way to have a “good dog”. This is not the relationship I want with any of my dogs; I want a relationship of student/teacher. I want them to look at me for guidance and to be assured that I will do what is best for them. When you give dogs choice and loving guidance they are more willing to listen to you than resent you. This is really a fundamental idea. Nobody likes to feel below anyone else; Everyone strives for equality.

“He said, “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life – like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The Six-year-old continued, “Well, dogs already know  how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”

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Because of positive training and understanding a dog who had never played with toys and resented any negative associations, hasn’t stopped wagging her tail since the day she came HOME.

Optimism is the key to success.

-Alyssa, Katie, Envy and Razzle Spazzle.


“The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.”


“The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” – Andrew A. Rooney

Lately I’ve been wondering the status of dogs in our society; I have never seen such disrespect for an entity. Today, I watched a competition show, where first prize was a puppy. Yes, sure we all love puppies, but is this really logical? A puppy is hard work and take days to train properly. Responsibly, that is not the thing to do. This, my reader, is why we have dogs in shelters; Irresponsibility. A dog is NOT a gift nor a prize; A dog is a living, breathing, creature with feelings.

I’m also sick of the perception that dogs just come perfect. Don’t get me wrong, some do. *Cough*Envy*cough*. But, as a dog trainer, I actually believe that the dogs who aren’t perfect have taught me the most. I am so thankful for the struggles with both of my rescued girls. Dogs aren’t perfect; They have bad days and good days, just like us. This also is a reason why they end up in shelters. They take understand and patients to blossom into confident, respectable canines. Humans just can’t take the time to train them and this is where the dog loses. Reasons like “I’m getting new furniture” or “IT wont listen to me anymore” are not feasible excuses. You made an oath to that puppy the day you took it home. Dogs are for LIFE. If you are unable to give a dog a life, simply don’t get one. If you cannot work through problems with a puppy or pay someone to help, simply don’t get one. If you move, you must be willing to plan to accommodate the dog or simply don’t get one. Simple as that.

There are many more topics I could touch on, but I feel I expressed some of my anger. I just can’t stand that such a forgiving animal is taking hits on humanities stupidity. If you listen to your dog, they actually have many things to say and until your willing to open your eyes to that, you’re missing out. Dogs speak to us clearly through body language and I really started to appreciate this when I started competing in agility. Take time to learn from your dogs, they are more intelligent than you think. Dogs are far more forgiving and accepting than any person I know. Someone has to be their voice, why not you?737605_10151397157695329_1698798220_o


Alyssa, Katie, Envy and Razzle.



Starting something has always been my downfall… Anyways, my name is Alyssa and this is my whole world, his name is Envy. I’m currently a 19 year old university student studying digital art and design at Thompson Rivers University.

I guess the theory behind an “about page” is to explain myself a little bit. As an expected technical communications assignment, I am told I have to write a blog. The main part of my life are my dogs and although I am away from them at the current moment, this blog will mainly be about them and our past experiences/ life travels.

So, lets start with the first card in my deck, Katie. She’s a rescued sheltie mix from the local shelter. Katie currently lives with my grandma but we have a bond like no other. In the agility world, we call them “heart dogs”. Katie has been a crazy battle in her own sense and I can see myself writing about her struggles continuously. She’s 7.

copy of IMG_1196Second, is my border collie named Envy, who recently turned 4 years old. Envy came to me through the wonderful HillCrest Border Collie’s breeding program. He has been a joy to raise and an easy dog to raise at that. He’s taught me to look at life with a smile as much as possible. Envy has allowed me to explore different activities in the dog world, we’ve enjoyed skijoring, herding and frisbee together. The only issues I’ve had with this dog is that he’s not very body conscious. He will hurt himself and keep going if that means he can play.

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Lastly, there’s my new addition, her name is Razzle. She’s a co-own who came to us through the local SPCA. She was neglected in her past home and thus she acts like a three year old puppy. She’s very smart but doesn’t understand words, I guess I should elaborate, you can teach her a trick very fast, but she doesn’t connect the word to the action very easily. She’s taught me, already, that you can start over whenever you want and can have a new day to smile at. She’s learning basics and has started agility. Razzle is a border collie/ blue heeler mix.

So, that’s us, I hope you enjoy my blog! Keep on keepin’ on!

Alyssa, Katie, Envy & Razzle